Amber Griffiths graciously accepted to have a conversation with us today and we are excited to share it with you.
- Issue: Summer 2023
- Leadership, Personal development

Maker of Legends, Brand Strategist, Bestselling Author and International Speaker
Introduce us to who is Amber Griffiths , what is you biggest passion and what do you do in the world?
My greater Vision is to get more people to share their Voice, their way, and to get as loud as they can, WITH purpose. I get to do that within the framework of Brand Strategy…and I make Legends. Yes, really. I work with incredible people, (including my Reluctant Legends), to create their own path and determine what is Value forward and Brand aligned for them. We work to develop a consistent experience that they can deliver to their audience that moves them from unique, through unforgettable, and into Legend.
Everyone has that Call to Legend®, not everyone will answer.
Every single human has a song within them. Maybe it’s a simple melody, perhaps it has 6 part harmony that rings through the rafters. It is as unique as you are, it is as beautiful and as magical. But somewhere, somehow, your song got stuck, or the volume was turned down so far that it was muted.
It’s time to let that come out and fill the air. And that’s one of my favorite things to do with people – it is one of my most treasured gifts. I hear your song, and together we unmute it, we bring it out at full volume, it creates the underlying rhythm of your Brand.
This is about confidently showing up as fully YOU, boldly stepping onto whatever stage you choose to claim as your own, and getting Loud with Purpose.
It is about developing your Signature Opening and Close that become unforgettable book ends for your message.
It is about focusing more on creating Signature Delivery than memorizing a signature talk.
This is how you get to make the impact and leave the impression you want to leave on the world. When you can stand on whatever stage you choose, whichever stage you claim as your own, and do it your way, there is power in that.
What is the bigger reason, the greater motivator, to keep doing what you’re doing? What is that deeper why for you?
Every one of us has had some moment in our history, when we have been told to be quiet.
When we have been told we are too much; we are told let somebody else talk, let someone else say it better.
Too many people have been told to sit down and be quiet, in whatever their version of it is, and it stunts them. And the world loses the opportunity to hear their message, their story, their beautiful purpose.
It took me too long to get loud with purpose. And if I can help someone, if I can offer the confidence, the stage, the path, the “I’ve got your back”,, the unconditional love of who they really are, long enough for them to get on their feet and claim that spotlight, and take however much time they want, and say all their words without feeling like they have to limit or rush through them, the world gets better. We all win.
When I know that my daughter, and every other little girl out there, can witness women standing up and saying this is my Voice and this is my Message, this is my Purpose…
I know that ripple effect is shared through generations, and it gets better and better as each circle expands.
That is why I am committed, I am driven, to do what I do.
Your passion, dedication and your message are so inspiring .Tell me more about the people you’re doing this for: who are they, what are their dreams and why their impact matters?
This is for those who are called to change the world, those who will move mountains to do so.
I do this for the speaker out there who knows she was born to be on stage.
She knows that the best way to get her Message and her Voice out there is to be on stage.
It’s not just because she is drawn to the spotlight and being on center stage, but her Purpose is so great, she must get Loud with Purpose.
Perhaps she’s been doing this a little bit, or even a lot, and now it’s time to really sprint forward and make massive change. Let’s crank it to 11!
I know there are those who want to impact one million people. Again, a little bit of small thinking there, when we have the potential to leave no heart untouched, no mind unchallenged. The world will experience massive transformation.
If I can reach the people and help them get their Voices heard, they will reach their own million.
And each of those million will reach their own million. And then it’s not just my generation that gets to win. It gathers such momentum that it can’t be stopped. There will not another child who is told to be quiet because what they have to say doesn’t matter. Because will be better.
It doesn’t happen anymore.
We have locked arms and truly locked hearts and souls so that it’s not just a company culture that does this, it’s the world culture that does this.
I heard you differentiate between Signature Talk versus a Signature Delivery. Tell me more about what that is and why it matters.
This is part of breaking through those barriers of being accepted, as well as getting past the fear of not being profitable, not succeeding. We have all been told to sell from stage, often without being told how or even why. So, we copy what others do that we see as successful. We create one single talk that is always the same. We hone it, we tweak it, and we deliver it the same way every time.
Very old school way of thinking. Create a Signature talk so you are easier to book. People know your topic and from that, they determine if you’re a good fit or not.
That is so content based, so 1990’s, and it is transactional.
Today, we are hungry for deeper connection. The audience is demanding more, not more ‘stuff’, but more of YOU. They want to know all about who you are, and what you value most.
Your speaking strategy must adapt.
Instead of creating a Signature Talk, which can limit you and your opportunity for visibility and impact, develop your Signature Delivery.
Craft your Signature Open. Develop your Signature Close.
Select your walk-on music that isn’t just cool or thumping, but it jump starts your heart!
Create fluid content – every concept, every story, every transition (the things I call Lego Blocks) exists in a way that allows you to mix and match, flip them upside down, to match what the audience needs.
You deliver a consistent, unforgettable experience to the people in your audience.
That is a Signature Delivery. And that is what Legends do.
You mentioned selecting a walk-on song that jumps starts your heart. What do you mean by that and how do you to help your clients craft their presentations?
I love to go to music concerts, not just because I love music and 80’s rock and europop will always hold a special place in my heart. It’s not just because when I toured and played keyboard with Andy Bell (Erasure), I gained another level of adoration for the relationship between the performer and the audience.
When you Speak, sharing your unique Voice and you allow your song to come forth to fill the room, it really is like singing. There is a special lilt to your Voice that your audience intuitively picks up on. The lyrics, the melody, the rhythm… it is the soul of your song that transports you as the speaker and the audience.
This is where it gets so exciting! Together, we can unleash your song in your speaking, and your audience can feel it. Your own cadence, your own rhythm…and they will soon realize that they are moving to your words. That experience is what makes you unforgettable.
Your song is coming out! Don’t whisper it, sing it loud with Purpose!
Speaking of music: what’s your favorite song and why?
One of my favorite bands is Imagine Dragons. I absolutely adore Dan Reynolds – in fact, we’re really close friends but he just doesn’t know it yet. I love what he stands for, we support the same local non-profit, and I believe he has a great heart.
He is also an incredible lyricist and song writer. Although my walk-on music has changed over the course of my career, it is currently Thunder.
My take on his lyrics:
We are the lightning before the thunder, you should see us coming and be ready to get shaken.
We are dreaming of greater and scheming for the masses; writing for the one but delivering to the many.
My version of this is:
I am a force of nature and you will not, you cannot stop me.
I am driven and committed and I will change the world.
If you’d like to lock arms, hearts and souls, let’s do it together.
And if you don’t want to change the world, kindly step out of the way
Who was your most influential mentor and why?
My father has had the greatest, longest running impact on who I am, and the way I think. My sense of humor aligns with his – he always had a joke or story to share to make you feel welcome. I learned how to love people and create a safe space for them to share their stories, by watching the way he treated others in my community.
My love of healthy debate and great conversation stemmed from hours of arguing about food, politics, religion and gardening tactics with him. The intention wasn’t to win, it was to think differently about the way we believed.
Music is a huge part of who I am in part because I grew up singing with my father (and the rest of my family) around the piano.