Silence and Inaction – Unconventional Business Advice
- Issue: Summer 2022
- Business, Personal development
- Written by: Gabriela Manciulea
I am a curious mind and the proverbial forever student. I am grateful for the abundance of information and incredibly easy access. And there is no day that passes by without me reading, searching, absorbing. I thrive by learning, trying, testing. I live to discover, uncover, understand and I actively look for the other perspective.
Surrounding myself with books equals a day at a fancy spa, getting pampered and loading up on heavenly energy.
But there can sneak in the “too much of a good thing”. Especially if the foundation is missing or unclear.
There were the days when everything seemed to be too much. I felt lost and overwhelmed. And when it got really, really bad I felt suffocated. I wanted to run away from it, slam the door behind me and hide in a quiet place where no one can find me, not even myself.

My head was spinning with ideas, my heart was racing with emotions and unexpressed dreams. Day and night. No break. Just a crazy, blurry race. I couldn’t separate the wheat from the chaff anymore.
I felt as if I needed to scream loud, as loud as I could, louder than I ever dared to try before. I wanted to be louder than the noise. And I did. And I cried. A lot. And I screamed loud. Very, very, loud ( I’ll tell you the story another time). And then I prayed.
And then, there was complete silence. I could hear my blood burbling through my veins. I could hear the whispers of my heart. Even the blinking sound my eyelids made. Have you ever heard yourself blink? A second of softness or the thump that’s shutting a door close.
In that silence I have connected with who I truly am, to what I love and how I love.
In that silence I have heard, understood and accepted the true calling of my heart.
In the deep, deep silence I have found my rhythm and I started gently swaying to the song my heart was always playing.
In that silence I understood how I’ve covered the sweet, truth-telling whispers with the outside noise. I understood that keeping myself always in motion, even if it seemed to be upwards, it might still not take me anywhere, it might still not mean anything or make any difference.

I had the energy, I was creative, I had the knowledge and the resources. But I was disconnected. And I moved in circles of illusions. Big, deceiving ripples going nowhere.
Today I want to invite you to breathe deeply, and choose to stop the race for a minute. Quiet the noise. Completely. Allow yourself to be so still that you hear your blood running through your veins, until you hear the whispers of your heart. Until you hear yourself blink. And listen very, very carefully for how that blink sounds: is is soft, or maybe it feels like when you are embracing something in a warm, fluffy hug? Or does it sound like shutting a door with a loud thump?
Listen carefully, listen without fear. Because in this second of truth you’ll find so many answers and you’ll know how to move forward.
It is this moment of truth that will show you how to stop the tail wagging the dog. This tiny moment of truth is going to show you exactly how to filter you priorities and how to create the right sequence.
This moment of truth is the starting point of your journey to the success you are preparing for.
Because Your Success and Your Path are already in Your Heart. They’ve always been. The voice of easy and meaningful action wants to speak to you. Softly. Like a love song just for you. Listen.

Founder and CEO Calibrated Leadership Business & Leadership Consultant