My greater Vision is to get more people to share their Voice, their way, and to get as loud as they can, WITH purpose.

I have always had a drive for adventure, an analytical mind, and high intuition especially about people.
Are you tired of giving the same old speech every time you step on stage? Do you struggle to connect with audiences …
Well, I’m an expert in unconventional success. And really I am a guide in helping people work through…
The biggest myth about TEDx is that it’s this giant, unattainable thing. It’s not!
Over the last few years, I have seen lot of clients seeking out my services with challenges around confidence.
Have you ever thought about what sets one business apart from another? What propels some businesses to the top? One key factor is their use of DATA.
Are you an entrepreneur or small business owner who is looking for a way to make more money?
So many people spend time on social media “scrolling and trolling”, watching the hours of day tick away …
It is August 2017.
I am in a dark converted barn somewhere north of Toronto.
I know no one.
We are sitting in a circle.